
Showing posts from April, 2018

Downsizing your company

When we hear someone mention the phrase "Downsizing your company" we generally think of a Fortune 500 entity, a local grocery chain or some form of business or institution. We think of budget cuts, layoffs, early retirements. In some cases, people think of moving to a smaller home, purchasing a less expensive car, selling a timeshare.  Why do we always think of something tangible? Downsizing has a negative stigma attached to it.  We always think of losing or defeat. But that is not entirely true if we analyze it.  Think about the following questions.  Are you surround by toxic people that drain your ambitions of success? Do you spend an unusual amount of time on social media that distracts you from achieving things on your bucket list (i.e writing a book, online classes)? Do you spend hours in front of the television watching TV shows of no real value instead of exercising your mind (at a museum or reading a book) or your body? Prioritizing yourself to accomplish somethin

The Aquatic Mindset

Did the title make you think? Excellent.   During my meditation and relaxation the thought gently landed in my mind. How often do we focus so intently on something that we walk right pass someone we know and do not see them? Or the time we were searching for our keys, our wallet, or something of value and it was sitting right in our faces? Or we spend hours trying to understand words that were spoken, but the minute we relax, the meaning becomes perfectly clear? DISCLAIMER:   I am not talking about your goals you have set for your life (in a sense of speaking, just hear me out). When we focus intently on the task ahead, we miss so many things that are around us. My father, who is a 3rd degree brown belt in Karate, lost a competition when he started practicing because he forgot one important thing he was taught “keep your mind as water”.   When he focused solely on one area of his opponent, he couldn’t “see” what the guy was planning.   My dad woke up in the hospital 3 day