Downsizing your company

When we hear someone mention the phrase "Downsizing your company" we generally think of a Fortune 500 entity, a local grocery chain or some form of business or institution. We think of budget cuts, layoffs, early retirements. In some cases, people think of moving to a smaller home, purchasing a less expensive car, selling a timeshare.  Why do we always think of something tangible?

Downsizing has a negative stigma attached to it.  We always think of losing or defeat. But that is not entirely true if we analyze it.  Think about the following questions.  Are you surround by toxic people that drain your ambitions of success? Do you spend an unusual amount of time on social media that distracts you from achieving things on your bucket list (i.e writing a book, online classes)? Do you spend hours in front of the television watching TV shows of no real value instead of exercising your mind (at a museum or reading a book) or your body?

Prioritizing yourself to accomplish something of value requires us to change our environment and/or the people around us. If you wish to attend college to earn a degree, you may have to stop hanging around those who are content living in mediocrity and surround yourself with people of like mindsets. If you want to own a business, you may need to apply budget restraints in the areas of shopping (ugh) and dining out. I know it is hard initially to do this (you do not have to be mean about it), but once you start the journey it will become easier.  Nothing in this world is accomplish unless we make changes. Everyone will not understand your journey as it was designed for you. It's your vision. Own it. Work for it.  The time will come when people will admire you because of your strength to change and accomplish your goal. Who knows? You maybe just the right person to inspire them to do the same.

That's my say....
