Honesty is a trait that is so rare it is considered an exception. We are surrounded by distorted truths or lies that we are apprehensive when we encounter new people.  It really doesn’t matter the race, religion, creed, skin color or not, we put our best foot forward which oftentimes is not the real YOU.

I often wondered what the world would be like if we actually acted out what we truly feel in our hearts. Unfortunately I no longer have to wonder. Ever since the changing of the guards at our wonderful capitol, the ugly American (as the foreign countries say) has resurfaced like an old spy reemerging from retirement to do a job who the agencies thought was dead. But that’s another blog…..

This brand of honesty I am speaking of is different. This past week an armored truck’s back door flew open and hundreds of thousands of dollars blew across the highway in Indianapolis, IN. People stopped got out of their cars, picked up as much money as they could and drove/ran/cycled away as fast as they could.  The State police put out a bulletin along with the owner of the armored truck company for people to return the money.  They state that actually it is considered theft even though it was an error –human or door malfunction.   At any rate, some people have returned the money others have not.

In this scenario, what would you have done?  Think about it.  You are strapped for cash and was just thinking about how you were going to pay your mortgage, or car note, credit card, etc.  You are driving down the highway somewhat stressed, you look up and money is falling everywhere.  You get some of it happy and relieved that I am freed only to find out you are asked to return the money.  Thoughts begin to flow “How will they know if I keep it?” or “I need the money! That is why they have insurance!”

Seriously, what would you do? Honesty would immediately suggest that you take the money to the nearest police station.  However some people would decide to ride it out, hoping that the money trail ends up in an unknown place untraceable to them.

At the end of the day, your conscience will let you know what you should do.  Hopefully you will do the right thing.

That's my say.....
