Decisions are most difficult when......

Decisions are an inevitable process that every human (even animals) must make at any given point in time. It could be something simple as to stand or sit to the complex (starting over, new job, to fight or run). But have you ever thought about why it may takes us a long time to decide on an event or process?  Is it the fear of failure? Or the support we expect is not there? Or is it the unknown?

Psychologists state that when we have difficulty making decisions can be a sign of depression. Also when one is in the throes of despair, there may be a pessimistic view of reasonable options and an inability to act (Psychology Today, Carrie Barron MD). Whoa!  Simply, we hesitate because we somehow feel that things may not work out anyway so why bother.

Some people like myself will take the time to do an exhaustive research, review all options, meditate and then decide.  Once a decision is reached it is executed, unless a another variable enters the picture and then we are back to the drawing board to develop another strategy.  Others may decide on an impulse and deal with the fallout later.  Others may sit and allow someone to decide for them.

My point is this: don't let hesitation be your enemy when it comes to your destiny.  Do the research, confer with knowledgeable people, process the information and DO IT! Let's not waste time and later become depressed because it appears that time has passed us by.  As long as you have breath in your body, you can decide to become who you wish to be, achieve greatness and/or master a skill.

We have one life to live.  Let's make it count!

That's my say.

The Duchess Blog
