The jewels.....

It's amazing how a person that is so very important to the existence of life is deemed almost as valuable as a piece of antique furniture in some cases.

Every since the dawn of time, women have been the biggest supporters of the greatest minds we call geniuses. We have groomed doctors, engineers, astronauts, teachers, scientists, and the list goes on. Yet we are still fighting for equal rights, equal pay and our health!

During my short life, I have noticed a lot of things that we may do, eat, wear near our precious bodies that are not necessarily good for us. We don't really investigate anything (don't have much time), so we more or less accept it for what it is.

SO  I decided that I would start sharing some of the things that I have noticed and investigated myself, that could possibly change our view and we take better care of ourselves.  The Lord knows this world needs women badly, but it is up to us to do our part to stay alive.

That's my say.

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