A Vapor among us....

Not sure how many Bible thumpers out there, but there is a scripture that refers to our lives as being a vapor... " Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away"  James 4:14 Topical Bible)

This past weekend for me has been very hard. So many people that I loved and cared for are no longer with me.  One that really shook me up (after getting the message in the middle of the night ) is that of a upcoming celebrity chef who life was taken in a moment in an accident, who was the nephew of a family friend.  No fault of his, just sitting at the light waiting for green, when he was rear-ended by an vehicle that was traveling too fast. He was 35 years old, not married, no children, but he was becoming known for his excellent skills.  In contrast, the other week my sister was driving on the expressway and fell asleep! Thank God no one was out there but her (that's another story).

When thinking about all these series of "unfortunate events", I can't help but think how I take my life for granted sometimes.  I assume that I will wake up, go to work, write my blog, see my family and friends, attend concerts, be a guest on a radio show. Not once do I think that tragedy will occur.  I know I am not alone in this sphere.

I guess what I am saying is our lives are very precious.  Smile frequently. Laugh loudly. Love and forgive. Breath fresh air. Walk in the rain.  Run in the snow. Embrace the heat or the cold. Enjoy family, friends and food.  Make those dreams a reality. 

We should live daily with an optimistic view despite the negative images we see. Life is what we make it.  Mr. Housie Meeks, an older gentleman with so much life wisdom told me, " If you don't like the weather or what's going on around you, just wait, it will change. Until then, do something great!"

That's my say.

The Duchess blog.
