The Gladiator Principle

The Gladiator: a strong, dominating character or presence used to conquer and intimidate enemies to secure a victorious outcome.

Sounds grand doesn't it? The ability to size up the competition and overwhelm them with fear.  Anyone remember some of the great football teams?  1985 Chicago Bears aka Monsters of the Midway, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Green Bay Packers. How about individual people? Shaka Zulu, Alexander the Great, Queen Nefertiti, Queen Elizabeth I to name a few.

We are taught to take advantage of every opportunity afforded to us, even at the expense of inflicting harm (emotional, psychological) upon others. Just get what you want, if you don't take it someone else will.  But at what cost?

Recently, an opportunity presented itself to me. It was a position that I desired for a long time.  I am more than able to do the job with a level of excellence that the current occupant does not have.  The person knows that I am preferred, along with the necessary skillset and I have the support of the masses.  Only one problem.  She has to be removed (fired) in order for me to get the position which is the will of the people.  I can invoke the Gladiator principle and have her removed and set up my "kingdom".  But then I thought about it.  What happens when the next young person more talented than me rises up and wants my spot? How would I feel to get fired? What emotional distress will be inflicted on me?

There is a time and place for everything.  Some opportunities require us to act fast (and we should).  But then there are some we just have to wait for.  I made the call and let the Board know that I am honored to be the choice, but I prefer to wait for this one...let her resign willfully or expire.

See, I realize there are consequences to everything we do. Most won't go into effect until we are in our 70's and 80's. Who wants to suffer then?  Some people say I did the wrong thing and I will never get anywhere.  Hmmm....maybe.  But I definitely sleep well at night knowing the choices I have made sit well with my soul.

That's my say.

The Duchess Blog
