The NWO vantage point....

Whenever someone mentions the "New World Order (NWO)", we immediately think martial law, microchips embedded in our skin, virtual currencies, etc. Actually it is way more than that.  See, before we get to that point, there needs to be a mental virus transmitted throughout towns, cities, states, countries before those systemics can be enforced.

Yesterday in Chicago, a police commander was gunned down in a semi-guarded state facility, by person running from the police.  In Florida, a disgruntled former student guns down young people like target practice, killing some and wounding others.  Counselors are everywhere today trying to help people grasp the haze of anger and fear that is gripping people all over the world.

I remember as kid growing up in the city of Chicago's L-town (all the streets began with the letter We didn't have police or metal detectors in the school, only a truant officer if you didn't show up for class.  The teachers and our principals were the law.  Even the neighbors could correct you. The worse we did was fight with the fist then we made up, passed notes, jumped fences, play games (tag football, jump rope, soft ball) and other mischievous things.

When I got to high school, I joined ROTC. We fired rifles with LIVE ammo, learned how to take apart and reassemble rifles with magazines, learned about knives and all kinds of weaponry. But not once did I want to use those items to do harm to anyone because of my life.  My parents, teachers, drill sergeants taught me that taking your anger out on other people is not how you handle things. You need to find other non violent ways to vent.

In this current society, we are becoming like the people in the Ghostbuster's II movie...full of anger. It's nothing nowadays to see angry outbursts, isolation, road rage with people doing as they please no matter if it is wrong or right.  What has happened to us?  Please do not blame it on the church, the school or the government.  What we learn is taught in the home and the village of people who influence us daily.

It really hurts to see the way our world is evolving. I can't even imagine how we will be 10 years from now. Humans used to be the top of the food chain, now we are rapidly descending to the bottom.  We have become like the animals in the jungle...the survival of the fittest.

That's my say.
