The Surrogate Dynamic

There is a colloquial saying that I heard as a child that has more truth than I realized.

" We are brothers beneath the skin of this there is no doubt,
   So go back in the skin my friend, and send your brother out!"

It's amazing that today that a "representative" is what we see.  Whether it is an interview, a date, a family gathering.  It appears that no one is truthful. There is a instinctive suspicion that arises when we meet someone that appears to so "nice".  Where did that come from?

In the past there were door to door salesmen that we let in our homes to sell anything...from vacuum cleaners to insurance.  We didn't question the gas man, electricians, or any government workers. We just believed that people are who they SAY they are.  There was a time in America when no one really locked the doors to cars or houses. We left our bikes, toys and clothes outside, then the next day we got up and these items were right were we left them.

Today, we do not have that luxury. You really don't want anyone standing to close to you for thinking they will pick your pocket or snatch your purse. Identity theft is prevalent, carjacking, phone jacking and all other criminal related acts are now apart of our society. People pretend to be someone else to purchase guns and use them to kill and/or destroy another person's life over trivialities.

Could it be that we no longer value ourselves? Remember the golden rule? Treat others the way we want to be treated. Why do we have such a difficult time doing that? Why are we so vindictive, hateful and jealous? Why must we always need to be first? What happened to the moral, ethical values that we were taught as children?  I know all of us are not guilty but the rest of the world....

I want to suggest to you that when you come across a genuinely, honest, good person...HOLD on to them and count your blessings!!! Realizing that God has smiled on you to allow such beauty to become a part of your life.  Love them and treat them well, for in a sense of speaking they are a surrogate of God in human form.

That's my say..
