Freedom....a complicated concept

Freedom, the  exemption from external control is considered the highest form of life.  The ability to choose whatever your hearts desire without consequence. 

Sounds like a utopia doesn't it?  Actually its not. We profess that we are free because we are not confined to an institution (for example jail, half-way home, mental hospital).  In fact I would argue that we are not free....actually never were.

Think about it.  Everyday we get up (whether we like it or not), clean up, clothe ourselves, go to work via a car, bus or train. We perform the same task everyday (just like the people confined to an institution of some sort) for a certain amount of hours at an agreed upon pay rate. When that day is over, we board the bus, train or drive our cars back to our home (or second job) and continue til the evening and we finally go to bed to rest.  If we have a family that adds another dynamic to the mix.

So are we really free or do we live with a modified freedom? Dr. Alex Lickerman, of The Psychology Today magazine states " we're all free within limits." We cannot do everything we want to do as there are legal and moral consequences we will have to pay. I am sure we would show extreme displeasure of someone else's freedom of choice caused pain and discomfort to someone we love.

It is true that many of the minority groups, especially the African Americans have suffered tremendously as a result of the slavery mandate.

I would dare say all of us to a degree are still living in slavery, just a revised format.

That's my say.....
