The Art of Gun Control

This is a very touchy, controversial subject. With all of the mass shootings, robberies, and thefts that has been claiming innocent lives, shattering families and dreams, most people have mixed emotions regarding the purchasing and use of guns.

Let me preface my blog by saying this:  I am TOTALLY for gun control.  There needs to be a restriction on the access to and the availability of these items.  I am for the second amendment right to bear arms as I am a gun owner as well. I do believe that people should be screened before purchases (even though some will slip through). I do believe that every gun owner should be held accountable for the discharge of their weapons to a degree. A noted exception would be if the gun was stolen from your home and it was reported to the authorities. Guns should be locked up securely and used solely for protection of ourselves and our families.

My issue is that this type of control will basically affect people like me.  I have no desire to perform a mass shooting. Neither do I have a desire to have a shoot out like the movie " High Noon". No plans to do a home invasion or rob a bank.  Regular law-abiding citizens are not the target, but we become the benefactors of legislation. I remember hearing the phrase while growing up "I didn't do it, but I have to suffer but cause of the actions of others".

Those who desire to do wrong will gain access to a weapon on the black market no matter HOW many rules we have. The sad part is that any weapon of choice (knives, writing pens, rocks, bottles, etc.,) can be used to commit a crime! There is something innate in us that will find a loop hole or another way around the law if we choose to act in a way that is contradictory. The hearts of some people are fully set to do evil. They operate in PURE selfishness. When they are caught they will use their past, pretend to be crazy or something outrageous to avoid jail time.

However, I do understand the need for laws surrounding guns. Basically its to be able to establish protocols as well as a tool to convict those who go outside the law to do as they feel. We need it as some of us humans struggle to do the right thing. Laws are supposed to be created to protect us from harming ourselves and others.  Somehow I do not see this happening for all of us.

That's my say...
