The Global Vantage Point

Contrary to what people believe, the global concept is nothing new.  The vast majority of the world has been operating in this concept for decades.  Just check the history books.  Many of the European nations and the African countries (yes Africa is a continent) were conquering, "colonizing" or dominating other nations before this phrase was coined.  Now it sounds prestigious to say that you are a "global citizen" then to identify with a specific country or continent.

Why are we so interested in this now? Before you shake your head at me let me preface my next paragraph by saying this: I am ALL for global networking.  I have learned so much from people all around the world. Knowledge is power and information is how we get it.  I have avoided so many pitfalls in life from learning and listening to others.  I am just addressing the "newness" attributed to the phrase. Now back to my thoughts..

Is it another recycled trend to get us to spend more money?  Ever notice that when you decide to save money or become more frugal, a new trend, a new tax or a new law emerges that requires us to change our habits? For instance, there was a time when science dictated that GMO foods are healthy, takes less time to grow and beneficial for the environment. So everyone started to eat the processed food. Then years later we are told that GMOs are not good for us and that organic is the way to go. Oh right. Organic food was the way to go 30 years ago, as my mom had a garden and we ate from it. We had all the veggies, a grape vine, sunflowers and anything else she could grow. The same approach was used for bottled water, medicines, etc. Can you kind of see the trend? If we don't remember history we repeat it, which is what the "giants" are hoping for.

Never be the first to throw the old away, but neither should you be the last to try the new. Let's not walk around with our heads in the sand and opt to do something when a major event takes place. We must learn when to "jump" and when to "stand still".  If you are not careful, this world will keep you on a merry-go-round forever.

That's my say
