Ummm..... I HAVE A VOICE!


This declaration is powerful.  It generally comes after a person has grown tired of being silent.  For so long they have been overlooked, ignored, violated, bullied and a myriad of other things.

Until recent years, I was one of those silent voices. It started when I was a child. My mom sent me to the neighborhood store to purchase something. As I was exiting the store, a woman, who was angry at someone or something, looked at me and said I was the ugliest child she had ever seen. Wow. Tell me how you REALLY feel!  At that moment I didn't realize that her comment would set off a chain reaction of feelings of low self esteem supported by racism, bullying, attempted kidnapping and a series of other events that sent me into silence.  I became that person that people constantly took their frustrations out on...verbally or physically.  So I grew tired and began to fight everyone in my path, but I was still silent. I always had these outbursts that were out of control...I even cursed my grammar school teacher out!!  That was unheard of in the 70's.  My parents were praying and talking to me, but were subjected to their worst fear because I wouldn't talk.  Thankfully my principal, Mrs. Burton, saw beyond my outbursts even though I was an honor roll student strangely enough.  She sat me down and told me to tell her what was wrong. She allowed me to cry, scream, stump my feet but I got it out!

That was one scene in my life.  I was in and out of the silence "lab" several times afterwards. I eventually grew tired of that.  Then I stopped and took inventory of my inner self.  What happened that caused me to be like this?  After a while it came to me....the woman who spoke those 9 horrible words to me disrupted my inner timeline.  Now, I have accomplished a lot of things, but they were limited because of my inner thoughts or the perception I have of myself.

I want to encourage everyone, UNLEASH your silent voice!!!  Don't let anyone else's perception deter you from being who you are supposed to be!  If folks don't like you, make sure YOU do!  If certain people don't talk to you, it's not the end of the world. Someone wants to hear what you have to say as they may be where you were and need to know this episode will not last forever.  Stop for a moment. Look around and see how blessed you are.  Life is too short sweat the small stuff.

You are a beautiful, wonderful and unique person.  Now go out and show the world what greatness looks like!

That's my say.
