
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Surrogate Dynamic

There is a colloquial saying that I heard as a child that has more truth than I realized. " We are brothers beneath the skin of this there is no doubt,    So go back in the skin my friend, and send your brother out!" It's amazing that today that a "representative" is what we see.  Whether it is an interview, a date, a family gathering.  It appears that no one is truthful. There is a instinctive suspicion that arises when we meet someone that appears to so "nice".  Where did that come from? In the past there were door to door salesmen that we let in our homes to sell anything...from vacuum cleaners to insurance.  We didn't question the gas man, electricians, or any government workers. We just believed that people are who they SAY they are.  There was a time in America when no one really locked the doors to cars or houses. We left our bikes, toys and clothes outside, then the next day we got up and these items were right were we left them. T

The NWO vantage point....

Whenever someone mentions the "New World Order (NWO)", we immediately think martial law, microchips embedded in our skin, virtual currencies, etc. Actually it is way more than that.  See, before we get to that point, there needs to be a mental virus transmitted throughout towns, cities, states, countries before those systemics can be enforced. Yesterday in Chicago, a police commander was gunned down in a semi-guarded state facility, by person running from the police.  In Florida, a disgruntled former student guns down young people like target practice, killing some and wounding others.  Counselors are everywhere today trying to help people grasp the haze of anger and fear that is gripping people all over the world. I remember as kid growing up in the city of Chicago's L-town (all the streets began with the letter We didn't have police or metal detectors in the school, only a truant officer if you didn't show up for class.  The teachers and our princip

The Gladiator Principle

The Gladiator: a strong, dominating character or presence used to conquer and intimidate enemies to secure a victorious outcome. Sounds grand doesn't it? The ability to size up the competition and overwhelm them with fear.  Anyone remember some of the great football teams?  1985 Chicago Bears aka Monsters of the Midway, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Green Bay Packers. How about individual people? Shaka Zulu, Alexander the Great, Queen Nefertiti, Queen Elizabeth I to name a few. We are taught to take advantage of every opportunity afforded to us, even at the expense of inflicting harm (emotional, psychological) upon others. Just get what you want, if you don't take it someone else will.  But at what cost? Recently, an opportunity presented itself to me. It was a position that I desired for a long time.  I am more than able to do the job with a level of excellence that the current occupant does not have.  The person knows that I am preferred, along with the necessary ski

A Vapor among us....

Not sure how many Bible thumpers out there, but there is a scripture that refers to our lives as being a vapor... "  Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away"  James 4:14 Topical Bible) .  This past weekend for me has been very hard. So many people that I loved and cared for are no longer with me.  One that really shook me up (after getting the message in the middle of the night ) is that of a upcoming celebrity chef who life was taken in a moment in an accident, who was the nephew of a family friend.  No fault of his, just sitting at the light waiting for green, when he was rear-ended by an vehicle that was traveling too fast. He was 35 years old, not married, no children, but he was becoming known for his excellent skills.  In contrast, the other week my sister was driving on the expressway and fell asleep! Thank God no one was out there but her (that's another story). When